The sixth session of the college board

The sixth session of the college board

 With the help of God the sixth session of the Council of the College of Medicine was held , headed by Dean of the Faculty Assisstant Prof. Dr. Ziad Hammad Abd with the presence of  the dean assistants (scientific and administrative) ,heads of the branches ,and during the meeting they show the scientific and academic process for the academic year 2015-2016, also the Council praised the role of the faculty and the eagerness of the school year to complete despite the displacement for the second year in the alternate location. Was also presented and endorsed the results of the first round of the five stages of the first was the success rate for all stages of 47.6% and then the Council agreed to add five degrees to assist students to reduce the number of repeaters materials which have become the success rates after the addition, and by stages as follows:

The first stage of 44.9%
The second stage of 65.6%
Phase III 37.88%
Phase IV 40.57%
The fifth stage V 60.49%
On this occasion we congratulate the successful students and call on students who were beaten in the first round to redouble their efforts and the best of luck in the second attempt and God for success.

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