Representatives of the students

Representatives of the students

 Representatives of the stages on the occasion of the end of the first round for the academic year 2015-2016 we would like to commend the role of representative of the stage at the Faculty of Medicine has the representative stage to represent his fellow students who are studying with him at the same stage and he was able to understand their needs and transmitted to the Deanship and was keen to resolve them and to maintain an atmosphere of respect and trust, he was also trying to satisfy all the private parties in the absence of the wishes of the students on the preparation of the theoretical and practical examination schedules agree and it is the link between the faculty and students by bringing lectures from faculty and preparing students for his teammates, and often McCann to attend lectures due to being summoned to attend the representatives of the stages of meeting or assigned tasks certain thousand thanks to the representatives of the stages of our college they

1-Abdullah Shahoth - representative of the sixth stage

 2. Ahmed Khalil - representative of the fifth stage

  3. Hussam Mohammed - representative of the fourth stage

 4. - Ahmed Bazi - representative of the third phase

  5. Ali Youssef - representative of the second phase

 6. Kazim Thaer - representative of the first stage

We thank your again

 The  College electronic Web  Committee

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