Voluntary tree plantation campaign

Voluntary tree plantation campaign

Followed by Prof. Dr. The respected Ismat Ramzi, the Department of Mathematics at the College of Science, Anbar University, represented by the Honorable Head of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Malaz Rahim, and a group of distinguished professors and our dear students from the  Stages above the first, on Thursday, February 22, 2024, carried out a planting campaign for the gardens of the Mathematics Department. The planting campaign included planting a group of seedlings. In the gardens of the Mathematics Department, in support of the sustainability of the green space, the campaign expressed the spirit of teamwork, perseverance, and giving for which our dear college in general and the Mathematics Department in particular have long been known. The goal of the campaign is to develop and encourage volunteer work for everyone, and to make the college give a beautiful view in addition to its nature, provide a healthy atmosphere, and keep it with a beautiful and wonderful view by maintaining its gardens.

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