A lecturer from the College of Science publishes a paper in Scopes Q1 (Cite score 7.1))

A lecturer from the College of Science publishes a paper in Scopes Q1 (Cite score 7.1))


 A lecturer from the College of Science publishes a paper in a reputable international journal located within the containers of Scopes Q1 (Cite score 7.1))

 Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Published by ASM)

 Dr. Thamer Yusif Mutar, a lecturer in the Department of Biology, published a paper in a discreet international journal located within the containers of Scopes Q1 (Cite score 7.1)), where the study dealt with the detection of genes responsible for converting THB and THBE into HOPDAs within the analytical pathway of Dibenzofuran and Dibenzo- p-dioxin in S. wittichii RW1. Several techniques were used in this study, the most important of which are RNAseq, qPCR, Transcriptomics and Gene Knockout. The study also included a comparison between the strength of gene expression of genes through the use of genetic engineering specifically (Homologous Recombination).



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