Discussion of a master's thesis for the student (Hitaf  Shalal Farhan)

Discussion of a master's thesis for the student (Hitaf Shalal Farhan)

               A master's thesis was discussed at Anbar University - College of Science and tagged (Histological and Immunological Study of Palatine Tonsillitis in Ramadi City Patients) .

      The study was presented by the student (Hitaf Shalal Farhan) from the Department of Biology was aimed to identify the histopathological changes associated with chronic tonsillitis that has an affect on the pathological case in addition to assessing the role of some biochemical, immunological and hematological tests on patients with tonsillitis. The results of the study revealed that there are many histological changes that indicate to chronic tonsillitis, in addition to a significant differences in the level of tests in patients compared with healthy peoples.

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