Minimum limits for admission to the departments of the College of Science

Minimum limits for admission to the departments of the College of Science


The Deanship of the College of Science announces the distribution of accepted and actually registered students for the academic year 2021-2022 on the scientific departments according to the minimum limits below. The Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Salman Obaid, the respected, said that the number of students admitted to the college for this year amounted to 701 male and female students within the Central Admission Channel and the families of the victims of terrorism.

 Students were distributed among the six departments of the college based on the total and the desire to choose the department within the minimum limits, with a rate of 72% for the biological branch and 28% for the applied branch.

He added that students have the right to object according to the announced minimum limits, and the objections will be through reviewing the scientific department for a period of two days from the date of the announcement, bearing in mind that the start of the first stage students starts from Monday, 27/12/2021 .


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