Guidance seminar on (exam anxiety among university students)

Guidance seminar on (exam anxiety among university students)

Within the scientific activities of the College of Science, the Counseling Unit, Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance, in cooperation with the Deanship of the College of Science and the Department of Biotechnology, held today, Tuesday, 11-1-2022, the purposeful counseling symposium (exam anxiety among university students). Assistant Dr. Ahmed Salman Ubaid the respected , and the Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Assistant Professor Dr. Safaa Abd Latif Al-Muaini, and the following lectures were delivered at the symposium:

-      Dr. Thar Munir Musaiher / College of Education for Women / University of Anbar

-      Dr. Muthanna Badie Farhan / Department of Biotechnology in our college

      The symposium was attended by a number of faculty professors and a large gathering of students from the departments of our faculty. The symposium dealt with many aspects regarding exam anxiety among students and its types, whether in the positive or negative aspect, and how to find the outputs to avoid falling into the extent of the increasing negative anxiety because of its impact on the students’ answer in the exam.


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