A new patent for a research team from the University of Anbar

A new patent for a research team from the University of Anbar


A joint research team from the College of Science and the College of Education for Pure Sciences managed to obtain a patent tagged ((Design and manufacture of a hydraulic pressure device and a tool for manufacturing FTIR Spectrum device molds through the recycling of local waste waste)). Hydraulics with specifications similar to the global product and at a low cost of ten times less than the global device presented in the global markets. It was manufactured from damaged industrial materials after being arranged and polished well and arranged in forms similar to the global product. Thus, three goals were achieved: The first is to recycle some waste that is harmful to the environment, dispose of it and transform it into Useful and environmentally friendly materials, and the second is to save and reduce purchase amounts, as its price is low compared to the global product. And the third. The local product was as efficient as the global product device.


Congratulations to Anbar University for this great achievement.


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