Instructors of the College of Science occupy the first positions in the H-index

Instructors of the College of Science occupy the first positions in the H-index


Within the classification of the teaching staff of the University of Anbar who obtained the Hirsch index (H-index) for scientific journals with impact factor within the Scopus classification, three faculty members from the College of Science are among the top ten researchers. They are the instructor, Dr. Muayyad Mahmmod Mutlak, who teaches in the Department of Physics, and he has (16) the Hirsch coefficient (H-index) in reputable international journals with an impact factor, and Professor Dr. (Esmat Ramzi Abdul Ghafoor) Head of the Department Physics, and he has (12) Hirsch's coefficient (H-index) published in reputable international journals with an impact factor, and Professor Dr. (Mohammed Abdul-Karim), an instructor in the Department of Chemistry, has (10) a Hirsch's coefficient (H-index) published in reputable international journals with an impact factor This is a scientific achievement for the College of Science in general and for the Physics Department in particular.

It is worth noting that the instructors of college of science were also among the top ten universities last year.



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