The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs meets the teaching staff

The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs meets the teaching staff

 The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muthanna Muhammad Awad, met with the teaching staff of the Department of Life Sciences, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Salman Obaid, today, Monday, October 17, 2022, in order to review the progress of work and set the required horizon, in addition to conveying the directives of the Presidency The university with regard to education from the scientific and practical sides. After that, the assistant professor touched on the active role of the university and the college in promoting cultures by putting its curriculum in the service of society and investing and utilizing energies in line with the development taking place at all levels.

In the same context, the Scientific Assistant and the Dean of the College of Science stressed that all efforts should be made to bring out a generation that keeps pace with creativity, progress, the wheel of development, and striving to enhance the ability to give, each according to his position and responsibility.

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