About the Department


Authorities of the Head of the scientific department:

The head of department is doing the following tasks:

The Scientific authorities:

1- Apply all the instructions of the University council and the college council that relating to the scientific section .

2- Manage the section or the branch from all the scientific , administrative, educational, cultural ,financial and student’s affairs aspects .

3- To supervise on teaching process and to follow up the doing of teaching staff for their duties .

4-Prepare the scientific , quarterly and annually  reports on the department’s activities and submit it to the Dean .

5- preparing students' training program .

6- Forming the examination committee in the department .

7- Nomination the higher study students applying for study in the department in accordance to the admission controls .

8- Recommendation to update the higher education curriculum based on the endorsement of the scientific department .

9- Presenting the researches on  scientific committees for the purposes of support and promotion .

10- Suggestion to issue administrative orders for full-time of university study and additional lectures based on the approval of the College Council .

11- Experts suggestions to consider scientific promotions for the department’s teaching staff.

12- Approval of the nomination of the teaching staff for participating in technical , administrative and scientific committees .

13- Enquiring from the faculty members  when they are absent or  late from the official working hours .

14- talking with the scientific departments in the university or  same departments in any Iraqi university or with  the technical institution concerning the scientific and teaching aspects .

15- Discussing the teaching curriculum and it’s syllabuses and present suggestions concerning it .

16- Determining the department’s needs for teachers, technicians and administrators based on the recommendations of the scientific department .

17- Suggesting the number of the students and conditions for admission in the department according to the absorptive capacity .

18- distributing the teaching materials on the teaching staff in the department according to decisions of the department .

Secondly: The administrative authorities:-

1- signing up on the annual promotion form and sign in the field of the direct chairman to all department members and suggesting their bonus and promotions .

2- Approval of granting university employees regular leave based on the University Service Law No. (23) for the year 2008 .

3- Recommendation to give thanks and appreciation to the employees of the department in case of outstanding performance .

4- Recommendation to give study scholarship  to the employees of the department and granting their study leave .

5- calling the college council to held .

6- Issuing administrative orders concerning deliver the lectures by outside lecturers with cooperation of the college dean and follow up  the payments of them .


7- Distributing the duties on the departments employees depending on the scientific benefit of the department and issuing administrative orders in that .  

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