Ph. D by research and by coursework

Ph. D by research and by coursework

 Ph. D by research and by coursework

Assist. Prof. Dr.  Majid Mohamed Abd Hamid

The author's official website

     To answer the following question: which is better Ph. D by research or by coursework?. We need to present all the reasons of both. Ph. D by research and by coursework.  For Ph. D by research maybe better for those that certain level of research experience in their specific field but by coursework for those who have less research experience.  Note that Ph.. D by research is useful for researchers because can get great deal with the time. But it seems to all Ph.. D by coursework requirement is more stringent. Before find more research maybe students need coursework and some students don’t have how to start with research by directly. Also, some student consider coursework give strong knowledge during their master. I think both of  them have a good  advantages that is depends on a manner for students. Ph. D by research doesn’t need to go coursework and suitable for student who have don’t research before. Also,  maybe take shorter time to finish the research. Note that Ph. D of  both may not suitable to every student , therefore the mix between them may better. Maybe the student need bit of coursework before the research. To select one of them it depends on strategy of the academic at university. So students are guided by more coursework before research project. Also, some students don’t know how to do research and they haven’t done any research before and some coursework can strength to the students and so since the final project (research) is a partial of Ph. D, some universities not impose requirement on the project. Then this may help students to clear their project. However , as some students have pointed a new topic. Therefore , I think it must have  beneficial to complete coursework at the first. Some students have no more skills to start with Ph. D by research. 

Some persons consider both have their own advantages and some others say disadvantages. So, this depend on a students which preference and research skill. Advantages Ph.  D by research when doesn’t need to any coursework. Also, ph. D by research useful for student have done research before. Another advantages is take short time  to finish the study. I believe that practical experience is very important when students choose Ph. D by research. I think it help to learn a lot about research, writing and statistics. Pre Ph.. D coursework is very important to achieve the study. It is true each type has some advantages and  disadvantages. Finally, the master is the basis in all countries of the system. So, the know ledge visit depends on the researcher himself. Coursework is vestal role during Ph. D study because  it helps students how to find more topic about Ph. D thesis. I agree ph. D by coursework assistant the student and it guides to the research

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