Under the supervision of the Dean, a large planting campaign is carried

Under the supervision of the Dean, a large planting campaign is carried

 Under the supervision of the Dean, a large planting campaign is carried out by the College of Education for Pure Sciences   

The Department of Biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences/University of Anbar held a large campaign to plant seedlings and roses in the college gardens, in which the department’s teaching staff and students participated and under the supervision of the Dean of the College, the honorable Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman Salman Jumah, the esteemed and the Head of the Biology Department. His Excellency stated that the campaign that was launched under The slogan “Anbar University is a green oasis,” which was launched by the President of Anbar University, the honorable Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, aims to increase the green spaces in the college and decorate the gardens with seedlings of roses and ornamental trees. In addition to creating the appropriate atmosphere for college students during times of reading and rest, it is noteworthy that this campaign comes within the directives of the college dean, which works to hold these campaigns periodically with the aim of showing the college in its most beautiful images, instilling the concepts of volunteer work and spreading the spirit of initiative and joint cooperation..

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