
College Of  Islamic Sciences


A scientific journal issued by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences

First: Conditions of publication in the  journal:

1. The research  should not be  published in any other journal.

2 - The research should be in the specialties (Islamic sciences in all its branches).

3- The researcher or researchers should send three printed copies of the manuscript, and the researcher demands a new printed copy and a CD-ROM for research after it is acceptance  for publication .

5- Added amount of: (2500) two thousand five hundred Iraqi dinars for every page over the twenty-fifth page first.

  5- An amount of (30,000) Iraqi Dinars shall be added for the fees of experts (for Shari'ah research).

6. The amount of the deposit will be received in the journal in the amount of (125,000) thousand Iraqi Dinars from each researcher (including the wages of the experts referred to above).

- If the search is withdrawn by the researcher after sending the research to the experts, the amount received from the researcher is returned and deducted from the expert's wages only.

8 - Provides the researcher with one of his research.

9. The researcher shall bear full legal responsibility in case of infringement of the intellectual rights of others.

Second: Publishing fees according to titles, as follows:

1- The researchers who hold the title of "Professor" shall be paid an amount of (75.000) thousand Iraqi Dinars for the first twenty-five pages except the fees of experts.

2 - The researchers who hold the title (Assistant Professor) the amount of: (60.000) thousand Iraqi dinars for the twenty - five page one, except for the wages of experts.

3 - The researchers who hold the title (teacher or below) shall be given an amount of (50,000) thousand Iraqi Dinars for the twenty - five page one except for the wages of experts.

4 - Add the amount of: (2,500) two thousand five hundred Iraqi dinars for every page over the twenty-fifth page first.

Third: Technical conditions for printing the search:

1 - published research does not represent the opinion of the magazine, but represents the opinion of the owners only.

2 - Do not return draft research to the owners whether published research or not published.

3. Page Setup: Top and bottom (2.5) cm Right and left (3) cm Paper size (A4) The search is written on one side (page) of the paper and the pages are numbered.

4- The Arabic letters are written in "Simplified Arabic".

5. On the first page of the paper, only the words "Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences" are written on the top right hand side of the page, with a line from right to left of the page (12 wide blacks).

6-The title of the main research should be (18) wide black in the center of the page.

7- The names and addresses of the researchers shall be written in size (17) wide black in the center of the page

8. The writing sequence should be as follows: the title of the main research, the names of the researchers and their animals, the summary of the research in Arabic and English, the introduction, the investigation or the demands, the conclusion, and the list of sources and references.

9 - write the initial animals: (introduction, detective or demands, conclusion, margins, sources) size (16) wide black in the middle of the page.

10 - write the secondary animals in size (15) wide black right of the page.

11. Write the research table in size (16) with the page setting and indent (1 cm) for the first line only for each paragraph of the text.

12. Margins shall be placed on the same page with the search board and the size of the line (14). The margin number in parentheses shall be as follows (1) and the margins shall be numbered for each page.

13. The order of sources shall be according to the Arabic letters and shall be automatically numbered using the format in which the number is with a point only.

14. A distance of 10 cm (the title of the main research, names of researchers and their animals) shall be placed between each paragraph.


     Editorial Board

1.     Prof. Dr. Firas Yahya Abdul Jaleel/ Anbar University-Islamic Sciences College/ Editor in Chief

2.     Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul Satar Ibraheem Saleh / Anbar University-Islamic Sciences College/ Editorial Manager  

3.     Prof. Dr. Khalil Rajab Hamdan/ Anbar University-Islamic Sciences College/ member

4.     Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Shafee / Anbar University-Islamic Sciences College / member

5.     Prof. Dr. Qasim Saleh Ali / Anbar University / college of Education/ member

6.     Prof. Dr. Abdulalla Kareem / Anbar University/ college of Education/ member

7.     Prof. Dr. Sadiq Khalaf Ayoob / Anbar University / college of Education for Woman / member

8.     Asst. Prof. Dr. Salah Aldeen Khamees Namiq / Anbar University / college of Education/ Qaam / member

9.     Prof. Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Ali/ Eb university /  Yaman / member

10.            Prof. Dr. Ahmed Toran  Arslan / Sultan Ahmed University / Ankara/ member


Address Journal

Iraq – Anbar -  Ramadi / University of Anbar – Islamic Sciences College. Editor manager asst. Prof. Abdulsatar  Ibraheem Saleh :

Website : www.


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