President of the University Visit the College

President of the University Visit the College

The President of the University of Anbar visited Professor Dr. Khalid Batal, the esteemed star of the College of Islamic Sciences, accompanied by the Assistant Administrative Assistant Professor Dr. Aref Abdul Saleh Al-Assafi and a number of members of the House of Representatives and Anbar Provincial Council on Sunday, 2017/4/2 as part of an inspection visit to Anbar University site in Ramadi. The visit included the opening of the college library and the main college hall for discussions and seminars. The visit also included the planting of roses and trees seedlings by the university president, Mr. Fares Taha al-Faris al-Fahdawi, Mr. Faleh al-Issawi and Ezzal al-Fahdawi. For the Islamic sciences for cleaning and planting the gardens of the college and rehabilitation



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