جداول بحوث العام 2022 المنشورة في مجلات عالمية ت اسم الباحث اسم البحث اسم المجلة نوع المستوعب الربع تاريخ النشر رابط البحث 1 احمد طالب ياسين The effect of electrical stimulation with specific frequency in improving back pain for physical strength athletes in the city of Baghdad International Journal of Health Sciences عالمية 30/6/2022
2 م.د.سميعة مجبل حمد Detection of stem cells in human endometrium: immune-histochemical study Journal of Ideas in Health عالمية 14/5/2022 3 حيدر عباس COMPLICATIONS OF TRANSSPHENOIDAL APPROACH FOR PITUITARY SURGERY World Bulletin of Public Health ( عالمية 7/3/2022 4 قحطان عدنان POTENTIAL PREDICTIVE FACTORS IN ASSESSING AND KNOWING THE COMPLICATIONS OF PATIENTS WITH INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSMS. . Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research عالمية 8/4/2022 5 حيدر عباس Invasive vs. Non-Invasive CPAP Ventilations in RDS Covid-19 Patients Sarcouncil Journal of Internal Medicine and Public Health عالمية 7/7/2022 6 حيدر عباس Risk Factors Related to Anesthesia and Its Effect during Cesarean Section on Iraqi Women Risk Sarcouncil Journal of Internal Medicine and Public Health عالمية 2/7/2022 7 احمد طالب ياسين The effect of electrical stimulation with specific frequency in improving back pain for physical strength athletes in the city of Baghdad International Journal of Health Sciences عالمية 30/6/2022