Electronic scientific symposium

Electronic scientific symposium

 Electronic scientific seminar Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Ali Hamad Al-Ạldlymy Dean of the faculty of management and economy The Business Management section in collaboration with the public administration department is conducting an e-seminar entitled: (Covid-19 epidemic and fallout of lower stock prices) Met by professor Dr. (Ruler Mohsen Mohamed Al-Spring) Professor of financial management at the college of management and economy / University of kufa And Assistant Professor Dr. (Abdulsalam Ali Hussein Noori) head of business administration / University of anbar Seminar Management Dr. Fayez Hilail Alsubeihi head of public administration On Saturday, 2020/5/2 at 2020/5/2 am, using the program (Google hangouts meet) Through the access code Gqa-Tjtp-boj Participants will be given a certificate of participation certificate sent online Faculty of management and economy

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