


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research held a workshop on the national project for the planting of one million trees under the title "Planting and Sowing for a Security Iraq". The workshop discussed ways of promoting the project and evaluating the project's steps one year after it started. The project was praised by the Faculty of Agriculture for its outstanding achievements in the field of afforestation, seed production, the culture of afforestation and the creation of a safe environment despite the overwhelming conditions of Anbar University under the control of terrorist groups. This distinction was crowned by honoring the cadre based on the national project in the college represented by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Oweid Al Obeidi, Dean of the College, Dr. Mu'adh Mohi Sharif, Dr. Mahmood Ghareeb Khalifa, Mr. Ziad Mohammed Abdul Razzaq and Mr. Yasser Sayel Sakhi. For their outstanding efforts in completing the national project of planting one million trees, and upgrading the university and our kidney to the highest levels.

                     College of Agriculture - Anbar University

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