The assistant president for scientific affairs, Prof. Muthanna Muhammad Awwad, the respected, on Tuesday 12/2020

The assistant president for scientific affairs, Prof. Muthanna Muhammad Awwad, the respected, on Tuesday 12/2020, College of Engineering, accompanied by the Director of the Department of Graduate Studies, the Director of the Scientific Affairs Department, the Director of the Planning Department, the Director of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department, and the Director of the Employment Division at the University Presidency, and they were received by Mr. Dean of the College Prof. M. Respected Dr. Amir Abdel-Rahman Hilal and the respected associates of the Dean for Scientific Affairs and Administrative Affairs, where the respected Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs met with the students of studies in their classrooms in addition to visiting the central laboratories unit and the central computer laboratory in the college, as well as the visit of the directors of the university presidency departments of the subordinate units To the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs to review the progress of work in these units.

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