An Electronic Awareness lecture by Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at College

An Electronic Awareness lecture by Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at College


College of Engineering - University of Anbar Within its academic activity for 2021/2022 held an electronic awareness lecture for students under the title: -

Social and environmental influences on university student adaptation

on Monday, November 15, 2021, at 8:00 pm via Zoom application

 by Dr. Jassim Mahmoud /-Teaching at College of Education / Al-Qaim. The most important of which was stated: -

- The university stage is the continuation of the previous stage for the student, hoping to feel happy and adapt to life if the beginning was from problems.

- Stay away from symptoms and mental illness that appear in wrong thoughts.

- Focus on the positive sides by not amplify the problems.

- Avoiding blame, accusing others, lack of self-confidence, and other things.

- Combating some natural phenomena such as smoking, extremism and electronic blackmail.


The lecture was attended by the Dean of the College, Dr. Amir A. Hilal, and Dr. Mohamed A. Ahmed with the number of lecturers and many students.

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