Vice-President for Scientific Affairs visits the College of Science

Vice-President for Scientific Affairs visits the College of Science

 In the pursuit of the university presidency to communicate with students, the esteemed Prof. Dr. Muthanna Muhammad Awad, the Vice President for Scientific Affairs, visited the Departments of Biology and Chemistry (evening studies). He was received by the Dean of the College of Science / Deputy Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Salman Obaid and the heads of departments. They inspected the scientific laboratories and theoretical lessons in the aforementioned departments. The Vice President for Scientific Affairs listened to the students’ observations and suggestions and directed work to find appropriate solutions according to the available capabilities and powers.

In the same context, the respected Vice President for Scientific Affairs stressed that the Deanship of the College and the Presidency of the University are doing their utmost to meet the requirements of the study and provide all requirements for the success of the academic year and create the appropriate scientific environment to achieve the best results.
In conclusion, the Honorable Vice President for Scientific Affairs gave his thanks and appreciation to the Department Heads and the Deanship of the College for their efforts in providing an appropriate environment for students through the maintenance of buildings and furnishing scientific laboratories with modern equipment.

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