Mr. Dean of the College of Basic Education / Haditha conducts a tour of the college gardens and its administrative units

Mr. Dean of the College of Basic Education / Haditha conducts a tour of the college gardens and its administrative units

Prof. Dr. Mudhir Abed Ali, Dean of the College of Basic Education, accompanied his scientific and administrative assistants on a field tour in the college, and his Excellency followed the course of this afforestation and flowering work, and his Excellency recommended the committee to continuously follow up and provide all the requirements to make the gardens in the most beautiful and beautiful way to reflect another facade of the urban urban facade.

His Excellency also followed up the work of our college employees and owners of contracts and daily procedures first-hand and urged his sovereignty to constructive cooperation in order to complete the tasks entrusted to him by the aforementioned groups. Gatherings inside the same administrative office or in the same workplace, taking into account the social divergence in the work within the college.



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