Scientific activities - university theses

Scientific activities - university theses

On the morning of Tuesday, 9/22/2020, a master's thesis was discussed for the student (Mustafa Razooqi Mustafa Shaaban Al-Ani) at the College of Basic Education / Haditha - Anbar University, on his thesis tagged with (Wide Speech in the Appendix to Fasih Tha`lab to Abi Al-Fawaid Muhammad bin Ali Al-Ghaznawi He died after 442 AH - study and investigation) and in the hall of Professor Dr. Rashid Khalil Zahir. The discussion committee consisted of distinguished professors:

1. Prof. Laith Qahir Abdullah, Anbar University / College of Arts, as president.

2. M.D. Abdul Hamid Hamad Shahadah, Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education, member.

3. M.D. Ahmed Jumaa Mahmoud, Anbar University / College of Basic Education / Haditha Member.

4. Prof. Halim Hammad Suleiman, Anbar University / College of Basic Education / Haditha as a member and supervisor.

The student's thesis consists of two parts

The first section is the study and the second section is the investigation

The study section includes three semesters

The first chapter: The personal and scholarly biography of Abu al-Abbas Thawq and al-Ghaznawi

The first research fox and his Fasih book

The second research, the personal and scientific biography of al-Ghaznawi

Chapter two study Fasih speech book

The first research Ghaznawi resources in Fasih speech  book

The second research Al-Ghaznawi’s position on the evidence of the grammatical industry

The third research Al-Ghaznawi’s approach to arranging Fasih speech  book

The fourth research: phonemic, morphological, semantic and grammatical issues in Fasih speech

The third chapter is the title of the book, its attribution to the author, and a description of the two written copies and the method of investigation

The first research  is the title of the book and its attribution to the author

The second research  described the two written copies

Investigation approach

The second section investigated text

At the conclusion of the discussion, the message was accepted, thank God first and last.


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