scientific activities

scientific activities

With the blessing of God , Professor Dr. Halim Hammad Suleiman, the lecture  in our college, has published two books in the field of language and grammar for the year 2022

The first book is research in Arabic philology and grammar.

The second book is research and applied studies in semantics

In the first book, he dealt with many semantic and grammatical issues, including Ibn Al-Ahnaf Al-Yamani and his linguistic and grammatical efforts in his book Al-Bustan in the Arabization of Problems of the Qur’an, Al-Suyuti linguistic and grammatical through his book Tanweer Al-Hawalak Sharh Muwatta of Imam Malik, Al-Mu’rib and Al-Dakhil in the Dialect of haditha city, and the Arabic Language: A Look at Its Characteristics and Challenges faced, and the decline of the language level of students from primary to university.

In the second book, he dealt with some semantic issues, including the semantic fields in Qur’an            (Al-Zumar and Ghafir), and Al-Ma`rib and Al-Dakhil fi Al-Jamarah by Ibn Duraid, and the explanation of the naming of things according to Al-Qummi in his book “Ilal Al-Shari`ah”.

These two books are, of course, in Dar Amjad in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, first edition 2022


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