Scientific activities for our faculty

Scientific activities for our faculty

Dr. Ahmed Rajab Muhammad, Associate Dean for Scientific and Teaching Affairs, on the staff of the Department of General Sciences in our college, participated in the scientific discussion of a master’s thesis at the College of Agriculture at the University of Anbar in the Department of Labeled Field Crops (Evaluation of performance of coated wheat seeds under heat and salt stress conditions),  for the student

  Candidate: Muhammad Ali Marzouk On a blessed scientific day, which is Tuesday 25/10/2022 AD, at the College of Agriculture hall.

 The discussion committee for the aforementioned student consisted of the professors:

 1.  Dr..  Ahmed Hamid Masoudi, University of Baghdad _ College of Agricultural Engineering as Chairman.

 2.  Dr .  Walid Abdul-Sattar Taha, University of Anbar _ College of Agriculture, member.

 3.  Dr..  Ahmed Jiyadali, University of Anbar _ College of Agriculture, member.

 4.  Dr..  Ahmed Rajab Muhammad, University of Anbar _ College of Agriculture, member and supervisor.

 At the conclusion of the extensive scientific discussion of the thesis and the student nominated for the scientific degree, it was accepted with a full grade.

 Congratulations from the heart, Dr. Ahmed Rajab Muhammad, and his student, and good luck to them in the face of their scientific and research work.

 Department of Media and Public Relations in the college.


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