The first book’s  publication for Dr. Eid Jasem Saleem

The first book’s publication for Dr. Eid Jasem Saleem

 New scientific publication for the year 1441 AH . 2020 .for Dr. EId Jasim Saleem Al-Dulaimy ( Syrian attitude towards Palestinian resistance groups 1964-1973) . This is a book in modern history , discussing  the difficulties of different periods from time to another  . Congratulations for Dr. Eid Jasim Saleem Al-Dulaimy his first book publication,Dr Eid  is a professor in History department in our college , The Basic Education College / Haditha , in Al-Anbar University. We wish more brilliance and creativity in his coming scientific works . Many thanks also to the publisher for what he has been giving for the science and scientists and for the loyal everywhere .


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