تحديد الشقوق والثقوب في الأسلاك النحاسية بتقنية تعبئة البذور

تحديد الشقوق والثقوب في الأسلاك النحاسية بتقنية تعبئة البذور


Azmi Tawfik Alrawi

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Abstract-- The tendency of this paper is to show the cracks and the holes in the copper rod of 8 mm by using seed filling technique. An image of the cathode copper and of the copper wire were token by SEM,then converted to binary images of multithreshold and applied an image processing program using seed filling technique to analyze the images of the samples.By noting the histograms, it appears that there is a problem in the manufacturing of the wires because there is a differences in the ratios of black regions in all samples and this means that is a disharmony in the smelting.


copper wire ,   seed filling technique  ,  binary image ,   image processing program   , cathode copper ,   black region ,   copper rod


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