The conduct of graduate students exams

The conduct of graduate students exams

 The President of Anbar University visits the College of Administration and Economics and reviews the progress of graduate students ’exams

Mr. President of Anbar University visited a. Dr. Mushtaq, a respected student of Nada accompanied by Dr. Anwar Sharif, the Administrative Assistant, was raised today Monday 15/6/2020, College of Administration and Economics, to view the progress of electronic graduate students ’exams for the academic year 2020/2019, for the departments of Business and Economics, and he was received by the Dean of the College M . Dr. Abdul Ali Hamad the esteemed and assistant dean for administrative affairs, where he met with the exam committees in the scientific departments and entered on some electronic exam platforms. Deanship of the college and its scientific departments. The President of the University directed parental interaction with students to solve problems and obstacles that may face them during the electronic exams.
We wish our dear students success and success

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