Visit of the President of Anbar University to the College of Engineering

Visit of the President of Anbar University to the College of Engineering


The President of Anbar University Respected Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, visited today, Saturday, 8/26/2023, the conduct of the examinations for the second round of preliminary studies in the College of Engineering... and he is accompanied by Prof. Imad Khudair Imad, Director of the Student Affairs Department, and Prof. Dr. Ameer Muhammad Khalaf is responsible for the Student Follow-up Division in the Department of Postgraduate Studies


He was received by the Dean of the College, A. The respected Dr. Ameer Abdel Rahman Hilal, the respected Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abd Ahmed, and the respected Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr.  Ahmed Anis Ahmed


His Excellency inspected the progress of the examinations for the second course (second round) for the academic year 2022/2023 and was informed of the level of preparation and readiness for the examinations and the nature and pattern of the examination questions for all academic levels in their scientific sections by inquiring from some of the students, wishing them good luck and success. He stressed the necessity of adhering to the uniform and timings. Exams

The President of the University was also briefed on the work of the examination and security committees and the level of services provided by the college to students during examinations.

During his meeting with a number of heads of scientific departments, he expressed his valuable guidance for hard and diligent work in order to raise the academic level of college students and all levels of study


At the conclusion of the visit, His Excellency praised the excellent organization of the examination halls and the provision of the appropriate atmosphere for the students

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