Discussing fourth-year graduation projects in the Department of Mechanical Engineering - College of Engineering for the first semester

Discussing fourth-year graduation projects in the Department of Mechanical Engineering - College of Engineering for the first semester


  In the presence and supervision of the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department - College of Engineering, Assistant Prof. Dr Saad Muhammad Jalil, the committees formed in the department have concluded their discussions of graduation projects for fourth-year students for the first semester 2023/2024, which are considered one of the graduation requirements for undergraduate students.
The committees discussed graduation projects submitted by students, which investigate the fields of heat transfer, fluids, production, designs, and renewable energy, which included designing and implementing ideas related to many practical mechanical applications.
It is worth noting that all of these projects serve an important sector, which is the industry, minerals and production sector, in addition to serving the community, whether at the governorate or country level.
At the conclusion of the discussions, the committees praised the students’ efforts in preparation and performance, wishing them success in their academic career.

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