Department of Electrical Engineering Discusses Posters for Graduate Projects  Students of 4th Stage

Department of Electrical Engineering Discusses Posters for Graduate Projects Students of 4th Stage

The Department of Electrical Engineering discusses posters and projects of the graduation of students of the fourth stage in the presence of Mr. Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. «Muhannad Fayadh Snow» The committees in charge of discussing posters of graduation projects in the section discussed the scientific and organizational students of the fourth phase on Tuesday, 9/1/2018 in the courtyard of the complex halls In the department . The posters were presented to the other members of the department as well as students from the other stages. All agreed that the level of student discussions, arrangement and coordination during the presentation were very good. "In addition to the level of projects and posters presented by ABET, which reinforced the theoretical subjects that they gained during their studies 

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