

 Higher degrees

The public discussion of the Master's student (Mohammad Mari Yassin), a student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Anbar University, on his thesis:

 Numerical lnvestigation on The Convection Heat Transfer of Nanfiuids Flow Across Tube Banks

 On Sunday 7/5/2018 at the Faculty of Education for Human Sciences.

The discussion committee consisted of professors:

* a . D Kassem Saleh Mahdi / Chairman.

* a . M . Dr. Ahmed Fakhri Khudair / Member.

* M . Dr. Hamdi Emad El Din Ahmed / Member.

* Mother . Dr. Mohamed Abdel Ahmed / Member and Supervisor.

The meeting was attended by the Dean's assistants for scientific, legal and administrative affairs, and a number of teachers, friends and parents.

After extensive discussion by the members of the discussion committee on the subject of the letter, the letter was accepted.

It is worth mentioning that the student research entitled: -

 Numerical Study of convective Heat Transfer from Tube Bankin Coross F low using Nanofluid

This research is classified as Scopas and published in an international journal.

  Mubarak and our wish to complete the scientific journey.

Engineering Notification

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