Seminar for teachers and engineers of the Civil Engineering Department

Seminar for teachers and engineers of the Civil Engineering Department

Seminar for teachers and engineers of the Civil Engineering Department


In the presence of a. M. Dr. Ashraf Shaker Mahmoud Head of Civil Engineering Department - College of Engineering and Information Systems and Secondary (first stage) for the academic year 2018 - 2019 Seminar:


((Promotion Research))


Review here Dr. Ahmed Hilal Farhan Teaching in the Department of Civil Engineering Research on Hall Ibn al-Haytham apparent 2018/11/4 as follows:


* Search first: - Been discussed in this search: - Been searched in: Search: Find all posts by. The mechanism of cracking and cracking has been proposed for the purpose of the strips and their applications.


* The second research: - The effect of the amount of comparison or the bonding material on the performance of the manipulator and supervision of this method has been studied and not reached, what is the type of reputation for hearing? It has been proposed in this research new methodologies in the study of damage. The researcher concluded by comparing the results. Use the deactivated fiber when installing the high installation.


* Finally, the researcher presented his doctoral study which was determined about the use of rubber granules in mixtures installed to varying degrees and the effect on the behavior of these mixtures under the influence of static and dynamical loads as well as the study of cracks in this special kind of mixtures. The study dealt with the theoretical study of the analysis of the frequencies and emotions using special software.


The seminar was attended by a number of members of the Scientific Committee and teaching staff in the department and postgraduate students in the research and preparatory year.

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