An introductory lecture on "Scout Camp" organized by the Student Activities Department at the University Presidency

An introductory lecture on "Scout Camp" organized by the Student Activities Department at the University Presidency

An introductory lecture on "Scout Camp" organized by the Student Activities Department at the University Presidency


In the presence of a. M . Dr. Nasr Khaled Abdul Razzaq Mazir Department of Student Activities in the Presidency of the University The Department organized an introductory lecture for the officials of the student activities units in the faculties about the Scouts camp, which is scheduled to be held at the University this month.

I delivered the lecture on the conference hall at the Faculty of Administration and Economics Wednesday, 5/12/2018 by:-


  a . Dr. Waad Abdel Rahim Farhan

Yassin Ali Khalaf

 The two courses taught at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University, which revealed a number of tasks that are the responsibility of the scout leader and the tasks of the mobile and how to make the decision and accomplish the tasks entrusted to them ,,, as well as how to deal with participants inside the scout camp. In addition to the emphasis on compliance with the timing and the instructions issued by the leadership of the camp.

 This is what was made by Mr. Mohammed Hussein Mahmoud, Head of the Student Activities Unit at the College during his lecture, which confirmed the college's readiness to participate in the camp.


The lecture was attended by a number of teachers and staff supervising the camp.

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