Issuing the university order to expand the admission seats for postgraduate studies

Issuing the university order to expand the admission seats for postgraduate studies


Issuing the university order to expand the admission seats for postgraduate studies


Based on the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Anbar University issued the university order to expand the admission seats for applicants to master's degree in the Faculty of Scientific Departments (Civil Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Dams Engineering and Water Resources) for the academic year 2018-2019.

We invite the students accepted in our college to review the Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies Unit as of Sunday 20/1/2019 to complete their files and receive a copy of the university order to review the university presidency of the Department of Legal Affairs and Security Permits, otherwise their acceptance is canceled.


Mubarak to the students accepted and our wishes for all success and success.

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