Faculty of Engineering receives the Director of Quality Assurance Department at the Presidency of the University

Faculty of Engineering receives the Director of Quality Assurance Department at the Presidency of the University


Faculty of Engineering receives the Director of Quality Assurance Department at the Presidency of the University


Dr. Ihsan Khalaf Rathia, Director of Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment Department at Anbar University, visited the College of Engineering ,,, Thursday, 31/1/2019.

Where, together with the staff of the quality assurance department at the college inspected the laboratories of the civil engineering department and the laboratories of the mechanical engineering department to inspect the reality of the laboratories and evaluate the indicators of the classification of laboratory quality ,,,

The director of the department paid great attention to the hard work of the laboratory officials in our college ,,,


During the visit, a number of observations were made and the laboratory officials were instructed to complete them in preparation for the upcoming ministerial visit and for obtaining the classifications up to which our college will be accredited

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