Seminar held by the Department of Civil Engineering

Seminar held by the Department of Civil Engineering


Seminar held by the Department of Civil Engineering


The Department of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Anbar University in the presence of a. M . Dr. Akram Shaker Mahmoud Head of Department and within the curriculum of his weekly scientific activities for the academic year 2018/2019 (Chapter II) Seminar seminar for the professors of the department under the title:


Treatment of Poultry Slaughterhouse wastewater using Integrated Anaerobic -Aerobic sequencing Batch Reactor.


On the Ibn al-Haytham Hall for discussions in the section on Sunday, 24/2/2019.


The researcher, Dr. Ahmed Rahoumi Ragab, presented a study in the department of confining the wastewater treatment for poultry slaughterhouses using aerobic and anaerobic treatment in one reactor in an integrated way to solve most of the problems of this type of industries and producing water according to specifications. The proposed high flexibility and balance to withstand the high volatility in the power of pollution of water out of such industries and stability in the production of water less harmful to the environment and overcome the problem of high concentration of fat and energy production through the anaerobic treatment and also "the removal of high ammonia using the amount of Less ventilation.


The seminar was attended by members of the scientific committee, a number of faculty members in the department and postgraduate students for the research and preparatory years.

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