A training course for university students

A training course for university students


A training course for university students


The Higher Media Committee organized in cooperation with the Department of Media and Public Relations in the Presidency of the University a training course for the development of the media leaders and employees in the faculties of the university with the participation of a number of active students on social networking sites ,,,


The course was supervised by Dr. Waad Abdul Rahim Farhan, Chairman of the Higher Media Committee at the Presidency of the University ,,,


During the course, which was held on Monday and Tuesday, 25-26 / 2/2019, lectures of value and important for the work of the press by a number of professors of media and public relations at the university ,,, including the definition of attendance «news story» and the templates and the conditions of the press writing ,,, of them "The news is true, which is really true," and the information that is published is accurate and the potential is enhanced with pictures. The role of social networking sites and satellite channels has also been identified and its impact on the receiving public is positive or negative. The course also includes a lecture on "journalistic ethics" and on controls and poison Which must be characterized by the media journalist is honesty and justice in the transfer of information or news as well as must be honest, "through the preservation of the secrets obtained or traded with colleagues in the work," was discussed in another lecture on the subject of «crisis management» And it is one of the most important topics facing the work of the journalist, which must deal with it intelligently and mind away from "convulsions and emotions and be a response to critics and skeptics of the health of the news, which published accurately and realistic and enhanced evidence and in a diplomatic way ,,,


It is worth mentioning that the session concluded with the presence of the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs. Dr. Anwar Sharif, who expressed his thanks and appreciation to the participants of the course and attendance. He expressed the readiness of the university presidency to cooperate with the Department of flags and flags of the faculties in overcoming the difficulties that may face them in their work in order to improve the level of professional media work.


Wishing all success and success to serve the scientific march in our dear university.

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