Seminar organized by the Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering

Seminar organized by the Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering


Seminar organized by the Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering


The Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering in the framework of its scientific activities for the academic year 2019/2018 Chapter II seminar seminar «Seminar» for students of the third phase on:


((Experiments of industrial units))


Which was conducted during the students' visit to the Faculty of Engineering - University of Baghdad under the supervision of M. As an educational teacher in the department.


On the seminar hall in the department on Sunday, 2019/4/7.


The scientific axes include the processes applied in chemical engineering ,,, such as the diffusion between liquids and gases ,,, absorbance ,,, distillation ,,, extraction ,,, the process of drying and heat exchange between fluids.


The seminar was attended by members of the scientific committee and a number of teachers and students of the third stage in the department.

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