A workshop organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the role of scientific supervisor within the course system

A workshop organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the role of scientific supervisor within the course system


A workshop organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the role of scientific supervisor within the course system


The Department of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Anbar University and in the course of its scientific activities (Chapter II) for the academic year 2019/2018 Workshop on:-

(The role of scientific supervisor within the course system)

On the electrical engineering hall on Sunday, 2019/4/14.



The teacher Dr. Mohamed Ghanem Jihad. Teaching in the Department of Mechanical Engineering


The workshop, which was attended by the heads of the scientific departments, dealt with the role of the scientific supervisor in the syllabus and the most prominent of them; the distribution of students to supervisors, the guidance of students and their academic advice in choosing the appropriate courses for them. The following:-

Follow-up student attendance and commitment to selected courses

Follow up the electronic registration and the exact match the paper form of the selected courses with the program

Follow-up student performance and commitment to attend the level of grades obtained until the completion of the program and graduate student


During the workshop, a number of questions and queries were raised, in order to clarify the requirements and preparations necessary for the implementation of the curriculum for the next academic year, God willing


The workshop was attended by the directors of departments and scientific committees and a number of teachers

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