

The Office of the Engineering Consultant / Faculty of Engineering / Anbar University announces the transfer of the office from the university center to the new site at the following address:


(Anbar - Ramadi - opposite the Directorate of Anbar passports)

We are pleased to provide all engineering consulting services, designs and laboratory tests (construction, electrical, mechanical and health)


The office has a specialized engineering and technical staff in addition to the necessary equipment and equipment to fulfill its obligations.

It is worth mentioning that our office has provided many engineering works  such as engineering consulting, designs and laboratory tests for many government departments and the private sector


We are keen to have the Engineering Advisory Office at Anbar University the best role in the reconstruction of our country and our dear province.


a . M . Dr. Mohamed Abdel Ahmed

Chairman of the Board of Directors


Contact Information:


07806671427 07806671534


Or contact the office management via the official email:-

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