Scientific arbitration participation / PhD thesis

Scientific arbitration participation / PhD thesis

Assistant  Dr. Khaled Dafik Ahmed, a lecturer on the staff of our college and head of the Department of General Sciences, participated in a scientific arbitration as he was a member of the defense of a doctoral dissertation in the Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture / University of Anbar, for student candidate: Hamid Abd Dakhil in his thesis tagged: (The effect of zinc and ginseng  In the reproductive and productive performance of local ewes), at the aforementioned college auditorium on Tuesday: 4/18/2023.

 The esteemed discussion committee consisted of the distinguished professors:

 1. Prof.  Muthanna Muhammad Awwad, University of Anbar - Presidency of the University, President.

 2. Prof.  Thaer Rashid Muhammad, University of Anbar - College of Agriculture, member.

 3.  Dr.  Nawazd Muhammad Aziz, Salahaddin University / Erbil - College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, member.

 4. Dr.  Khalid Dafik Ahmed, Anbar University - College of Basic Education / Haditha, member.

 5. Dr.  Ammar Rahim Mansour, University of Anbar - College of Agriculture, member.

 6. Prof.  Uday Sabah Askar, Anbar University - College of Agriculture, member and supervisor.

 The Scientific Committee conducted an intellectual scientific discussion on the methodology of the dissertation, its results and study samples, and listened to the candidate's responses.

 Congratulations to the student, his supervisor, and his faculty for this distinguished research achievement, which adds knowledge and production to the Faculty of Agriculture and our dear university.

 And congratulations to the discussing professor from our benevolent college, and for more brilliance of original scientific creativity for all.



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