Registration Section
Registration and Student Affairs Section: The structure of the Registration and Student Affairs Section: 1.Registration Unit. 2.Students Affairs Unit and authentication. - Key tasks: 1.Supervising the work of the Section in all its units. 2. Scrutiny of all the academic and official documents for students upon admission. 3.Issuing documents for graduates and approving them. 4.Participating in the committees for the reception and selection of students to the scientific departments upon admission. 5.Approving the issuance of covering and graduation letters. 6.Periodic review and follow-up of the work of the Section in all its units. 7.Supervising the organization of electronic files for students. Registration Unit: 1.Scritiny of students' documents for preparatory studies in the Studies, Planning and Follow-up Department. 2.Registration of new students. 3. Issuing orders for student mobility and hosting them. 4.Participating in the reception of new students committees. 5.Participating in organizing the electronic files for students. 6.Organizing the statistics for students (mobility - hosting - graduates - failure – success(. Student Affairs and authentication Unit 1.Electronic archiving of student files. 2.Issuing the administrative orders for the students' demands and the dismissal and the promotion of enrollment. 3.Issuing administrative orders for postponement. 4.Participating in the organization of the electronic files for students. 5.Issuing academic cover letters.