scientific article

scientific article

 Cinderella`s Shoes

Dr, Asmaa Khalaf Madlool

University Of Anbar

College of Education for Women

              How nice it is to read a literary text from its different sides, just as  an  artistic painting. Each reveals its beauty from different angles and translate  what others do not discover; thus, critics are depicted as '' translators'' of beauty ( Bressler  xi). The most beautiful touch  is allowing modern theories to  dance elegantly  on the literary text to show various visions and highlight  its strength as well as  weakness which have sometimes been hidden even for the author of the text. Thus, many studies  are written to  enrich literary texts with new visions that are left  between the lines of  the text. Sometimes the researcher immerses  his mind in deconstructive theory (Bennett  16 ), sometimes he searches in the  theories of power (Tyson 248 ), and sometimes the researcher is concerned with feminist theories (Bressler  144 ). In all of these studies, the product is  another piece of arts. But it seems that there are those who rode the wave and deviated in the loyal application of theories and claimed for  finding thoughts that are far from the text.           .

    While reading some of the literary productions of high standard researchers in several universities, one can  notice  an alien phenomenon in literature, which is  putting words in the author`s mouth to say what he did not say, indicate, or hide in the lines of work, in which the researcher moves away from academic honesty and underestimates what the author has presented. This phenomenon began to grow and escalate with the embarrassment of the high standard researchers, on  whom we relied to point out to diagnose what is happening. The poems of elegies, which treasured the highest feelings of sincerity and brotherhood, and have entertained generations and generations of readers, nowadays  are read and presented to the new generation of researchers as a kind of lesbian writings. we even went  even further by turning the works of some of the founders of the English theater into  an analysis that cannot be described as anything but abnormal from the common human nature. On the other hand, we find the  glorification  for authors  who  are described as  'daring' because they reflect  a disgraced  personal act in the literary text. Such  writers are regarded as a promise that represent the signs of a feminist   study or  a  new renaissance. The heroes of such texts were described as warriors and with expressions of heroism. They are praised with  heroism because of diverting the law of nature in  the conclusion of the studies and in the recommendations  and  the researcher recommends following their path to gain the assume freedom in  society with restrictions.

          How does this happen? For whose benefit is this? Do We fell into a trap? Some studies , scientific platforms and centers which we hoped to activate , have become tools of killing the text, not reviving it. Is it possible to force the fat foot, with its beautiful large size, to wear Cinderella's little shoes, to walk in  lame  only to be  the prince's beloved ?This is not a call to withdraw from other texts, but rather an invitation to read different texts with caution and to display what is really or hidden in the text without inserting ideas that do not exist in the work itself and  reading of texts that are far from the privacy of our values ??does not mean  the glorification of their thoughts that are alien not only to our society, but also to the  normal humanity.                                                                    


Bennett, Andrew and Nicholas Royle. An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory. London, Longman,2004.

Bressler, Charles. Literary Criticism: Introduction to Theory Practice. Boston: Longman, 2011.

Tyson, Lois.  Critical Theory Today. New york: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2006.



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