Dr. Abdul Qadir Ismail Al-Hadithi, (Chairman) of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at the College of Engineering at Al-Nahrain University

Dr. Abdul Qadir Ismail Al-Hadithi, (Chairman) of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at the College of Engineering at Al-Nahrain University

 Professor Dr. Abdul Qadir Ismail Abdul Wahab Al-Hadithi, one of the teachers of the Civil Engineering Department at the College of Engineering at Anbar University, participated {{as Chairman}} in the public discussion of the master’s student {{Hind Tariq Muhammad Hamza}} from the Civil Engineering Department at the College of Engineering at Al-Nahrain University about her tagged thesis. :-



Behavior of Smart Concrete Beams under Repeated Loading



Which took place in Al-Rafidain Hall in the Department of Architecture - College of Engineering - Al-Nahrain University, on Thursday, 6/22/2023.



The study dealt with the production of several reinforced concrete beams from different types of concrete mixes (regular concrete, self-compacting concrete, lightweight concrete, and high-resistance active powder concrete).



Many laboratory tests were conducted on the produced concrete, such as tests of soft properties and mechanical tests, such as compressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength by splitting. Concrete beams were subjected to flexural loads.



Structural cracks were treated with bacteria with an "unsatisfactory effect" extracted from the soil. These bacteria filled the cracks and carried out a self-healing process for the beams, and then the concrete beams were examined under repeated loads.

 After analysing the results, drawing relationships, and discussing the outcomes of the study, it became clear that treating cracks with bacteria has a role in filling those cracks and improving the behavior of concrete sills treated with that type of bacteria.


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