The College of Engineering receives a ministerial committee to evaluate the scientific and academic reality in the college

The College of Engineering receives a ministerial committee to evaluate the scientific and academic reality in the college

 . The College of Engineering - Anbar University, represented by the Dean of the College of Engineering, received Prof. Dr. Ameer Abdel Rahman Hilal, the respected, today, 11/9/2023, the ministerial committee responsible for evaluating the scientific and academic reality in the college, headed by Prof. Dr. Wadud Taher Muhammad, Dean of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering - University of Baghdad.

The Ministerial Committee, accompanied by the Dean of the College and the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Ahmed, conducted a visit to the scientific departments in the College and learned about the scientific and academic aspects therein, in the presence of the heads of departments, in addition to a tour of all the college’s laboratories and inspection. On the organizational and laboratory aspects and the extent of laboratory readiness.


The visit concluded with the Ministerial Committee’s appreciation of the scientific and academic situation in the college, wishing for further development and success at the scientific and academic levels

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