Scientific cooperation between Anbar Engineering and Mustansiriya Engineering in order to support the scientific movement

Scientific cooperation between Anbar Engineering and Mustansiriya Engineering in order to support the scientific movement


Scientific cooperation between Anbar Engineering and Mustansiriya Engineering in order to support the scientific movement and the exchange of experiences between Iraqi universities and based on the invitation presented by the Department of Road and Transport Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering University of Mustansiriya to host the teaching staff of the Faculty of Engineering, Anbar University with a lecture for students of graduate studies (Masters and PhD) Assigning Professors: * * Dr. Taher Mahmoud Ahmed * Dr. Duraid Moayad Abd .. Teaching staff in the Department of Civil Engineering and according to the invitation given to them by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Alastnasiria ,,, where I gave the following arguments: - * First ,,, Delivered by a. Dr. Tahir Mahmoud Ahmed, entitled "Asphalt Fatigue Failure Analysis and Modeling: Experimental studies and Theoretical Formulation." The second was given by MD Duraid Moayad Abdul entitled: Characterization of warm asphalt mixtures with Addition of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Materials. At the end of the lectures, Dr. Mohamed Ali Al-Anbari, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering / Mustansiriya University, and Dr. Abdelhak Hadi, Head of Road and Transport Engineering Department, praised the efforts of Anbar Engineering Teachers, wishing them success and further scientific excellence.


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