Efforts being made to develop masters/engineering Geotechnics in civil engineering

Efforts being made to develop masters/engineering Geotechnics in civil engineering

Efforts being made to develop masters / engineering Geotechnics in civil engineering follow directly from Mr Dean Faculty of Engineering-University of Anbar.Dr Amir Abdelrahman Helal and unremitting efforts by the President of the Civil Engineering Department.Dr Akram Shaker Mahmud, referring to the book Ministry of higher education and scientific research / research and development service numbered (bt 7749/5) 2018/10/7 date, Ministerial Committee formed to develop masters / engineering Geotechnics civil engineering visit Thursday2018 / 11/1 after almsltzmat gearing and order all partition and data necessary for the Committee of Ministers.The Committee held a closed meetingWith competent teachers and discuss all aspects of academic and educational abilities and quality of decisions wemfradtha indicating the importance of each decision and also study after research lines to be created in civil engineering. The visit also included a field trip to see specialized scientific laboratories and chock to the theme of development. * Soil mechanics lab and computer lab * engineering workshops and laboratories.At the end of the visit, the Committee expressed its satisfaction with what I heard from Mr head section and specialized staff and what I have seen of arranging , organizing and commissioning Labs and classrooms hiring for College and further development of scientific creativity and giving scientific process service to students


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