Dean of the Faculty of Engineering inspect the conditions of the students of the internal departments evening

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering inspect the conditions of the students of the internal departments evening


Dean of the Faculty of Engineering inspect the conditions of the students of the internal departments evening


The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering / Anbar University M . Dr. Amir Abdel-Rahman Hilal The conditions of the students of the faculty living in the internal departments during his visit to them on Wednesday evening, 16/1/2019, accompanied by a. M . Dr. Akram Shaker Mahmoud Head of Civil Engineering Department.


During his visit to the apartments and rooms at the level of the services provided to them, he briefed him during his meetings with a number of rooms with the students for their needs, suggestions and problems, if any, and exchange the conversation with them. "The strongest relations are with people you did not know before, You are connected with them as well as you are in the inner section, more than different regions, cities and provinces. We see you and thank you for the love and the spirit of brotherhood, harmony and cooperation. This is confirmed by the educational and administrative officials in the department. The provincial students singled out them and said: Between your family We thank you for your hospitality and for providing all your help and assistance. And for the exams, everyone is urged to exert more effort and focus during the review, wishing "the same time success and success for the whole.


The Dean expressed his thanks and appreciation to the supervisor of educational guidance and administrative officer of the department for their cooperation and help them to overcome obstacles to students.


He was accompanied by Dr. Walid Naji, Secretary of the Faculty Council, in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Director of Media and Public Relations at the College.

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