Students of the Faculty of Engineering

Students of the Faculty of Engineering


Students of the Faculty of Engineering


Implementation "of the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the need to integrate and expand the perceptions of students and a close knowledge of the atmosphere and university study.

The Faculty of Engineering - Anbar University received the official approvals on Thursday 4/4/2019 students (fifth and sixth grade) applied by Aadiyya Ala for girls accompanied by six Anam Hamad Hassan supervising the students.


The Dean of the College, M . Dr. Amir Abdul Rahman Hilal during his meeting with the students, which was attended by the Director of the Department of Media and Public Relations and the Student Activities Officer in the Department of Civil Engineering, wishing them "a successful and successful visit," expressing at the same time his satisfaction with these visits because of their impact and importance in expanding the ideas of students through Take a close look at the nature of study and attendance at the colleges.

The Dean then gave a detailed explanation of the college and its scientific departments, the nature and methods of study in each department, and the certificates and specializations obtained by the graduate of the college, whether in the preliminary studies or postgraduate studies.


The students and the six supervisors were accompanied by Eng. Hadeel Saleh Sulaiman, student activities officer at the Civil Engineering Department in a number of scientific laboratories. They were briefed on some of the experiments conducted by the students during the training or practical lesson.

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